Friday, February 26, 2010


Dear Sponsor, I am happy to received this wonderful gift.
73 pcs. Assorted can goods
sugar, beverages, frozen veggies
eggs, cheese, bread
Hygiene and laundry materials
Thank you and more power.
Cute girl :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Dear Sponsor, Hi! thanks for the gifts that you gave me.

Jeffrey received the following items

1 shirt, 1 pants

1 set undergarments

chocolate drink, canned goods

noddles, coffee and cooking oil

detergent bar, shampoo, bathsoap and sugar

These item was purchase with the money I send after the

Typhoon they had in the philippines and few months ago

Take care and keep safe


Monday, February 22, 2010

A world of thanks for the wonderful gift

I just got a thank you letter from Francheska. I send get ($) a while back.

This is what she and her family get from the $.

Thanks for the blouse, a pair of pants, a doll with a sewing machine, thanks for rice, ots, oil, mayonnaise, salami, tunas, milk, tomato sauce, flour, salt, candies , spaguettis, pigeon peas and seasoning. Bye Elaine on behalf of my daughter Francheska

Friday, February 5, 2010

I would like you to meet the newest addition to our family,our sponsor child Rosalie. Rosalie is 11 years old and she lives in the Philippines with her parents and 6 siblings.
Rosalie and her family live on $133US/Monthly in a single multi-use room/house
I receive a letter from Children International informed me that the family home is in need of serious repairs.
I have set up a fundraiser to raiser the money to help this family with the repairs.
My home is that we can give them comfort by being able to tell them their home will be safe and dry when the rainy season hits.
Thanks to every one's generosity
Jack and Tamara